Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

The aim of the project is to preserve and make accessible the cultural heritage. A digital journey through time to earlier eras and the exploration of historic Jena is possible in the form of a 4D city tour. This innovative project creates a completely new and sustainable form of tourism. The project not only enables the general public to take a look back at earlier stages in Jena's history, but is also a wonderful opportunity for Thuringia to increase its profile in Europe.

 Graphical three-dimensional representation of an object
graphical three-dimensional representation of a scientific instrument
Graphical three-dimensional representation of an object on a monitor
Computer rendering of a view of a cultural crime
 Two men look at a brightly lit bronze sculpture through their monitor
two men look at a brightly lit bronze sculpture through their monitor
A man standing in front of a monitor looks at the camera with a friendly smile
ein vor einem Monitor stehender mann schaut freundlich lächelnd in die Kamera
3D scanner scans an object
3D scanning of a bronze artefact
Operation name
Name of category of intervention
079 - Access to public sector information (including open data, e-culture, digital libraries, digital content and e-tourism)
Operation start date
Operation end date
Total eligible expenditure allocated to the operation
Union co-financing rate
80 %
Operation postcode